Indeed, it is about a meeting. Just like before embracing Life, you run into it As you take a step in that special book, you encounter Alphonse Tabouret. Who's nothing less than... A little...thing ? Which happens to... Not remember much ! And as he discovers what's around him in his own naive&curious way, we surprise ourselves being happy, anxious, startled as we get more and more intrigued by that unusual character ! Everything feels new and... Amazing how we end up addict. Following him around, just to be able -one more minute- to see through those eyes, since it feels so intensely different.
To conlude : I really don't agree with those who say that this magic book should have been shorter ! Magic needs time to delight souls ! How refreshing, nowadays, a book that actually stops time to tell its story ! I wouldn't change it no matter what. You might say "yeeah, but a book takes time to read anyway !" I would agree for sure. However there is different ways of telling a story. And I believe this team honestly mastered theirs. As we blindly follow Mr.Tabouret tracks... On Life.
- Enjoy !-